Tuesday 14 January 2020


                      Lion king.....the movie that I had watched many many times since 1994...thanx to my brother and now my son,who are ardent fans of the movie and SIMBA!!!! When I see my husband and son replicate the fight scene between simba and scar,I have memories of witnessing the same scene involving my father and brother...so it was a natural decision to go visit the home of  Simba.....that is KENYA.....
             We booked a flight via Dubai,where my two sisters in law joined us with their families and off we went on our safari vacation...we were to land in Nairobi,leave the next day to Masai Mara,spend two days there and then stop for a day in Sulmac village before heading back to Nairobi to catch our flight back home....

           After a long travel ,we finally landed in Nairobi...Nairobi ,the capital of Kenya was very much similar to any of our Indian cities..not a metro actually but a city I can say...Many Indians especially Gujaratis have setup flourishing businesses there...within few kilometers from the airport ,there was a national park with giraffes and zebras...we could see the giraffes from the road and how excited we were to spot them first...(by the second day it became a casual thing..giraffes and zebras were on the road side like cows in India!!!!)

            On the way to our hotel,we had a giraffe feeding session..they gave each of us a packet of giraffe food,which was like small ragi balls..we have to stretch our hands and once the giraffes come closer with their mouth open,we have to place it in their tongue..eww..it was slimy at first but got used to it...

we had a relaxing dinner before hitting the bed ahead of a busy day...the next morning we had to leave early for our 6 hour trip to Masai Mara via road...
                                                               ( to be contd)

Happy to be back.....

நான் ரொம்ப நாளைக்கு அப்புறம் இந்த blog ஆரம்பிச்சிருக்கேன்..அதாவது ஒரு 10 வருஷம் இடைவெளிக்கு பிறகு...so am really very excited and happy to be back..நம்ம வாழ்க்கைல சில விஷயங்கள கத்து தெரிஞ்சுக்கறோம்,சில விஷயங்கள பட்டு தான் தெரிஞ்சுக்கறோம்...இப்படியாப்பட்ட விஷயங்கள்...என்னோட பார்வைகள் இது தான் இந்த blog.......

Tuesday 30 April 2019

Standing in unity against terrorism

         Terrorism, in any form is strongly condemned all over the world.It's an universal fact..Considering the recent attacks on Sri lanka,it brings great pain to see the innocent lives lost.They didn't deserve this..what did they do??and one important thing that brought even more pain was that all this was done by " Islamic terrorists"...come on ..doesn't this word seem a bit out of sync to you??wait, let me put it this way...can there be a "tall short man" ?? or a "white black color"???there can never be...you can have a "tall and short man" and a "white and black color" but never a tall short man or a white black color..it's very much insane..exactly the same applies to "Islamic terrorism" or "Muslim terrorists"..they are two exacly opposite words that can never be coined together..you can either be a Muslim or a terrorist but never both...                                                                                                                  Yes,I mean it and am very serious about it..why???simply because, Islam itself means peace and Islam is a faith that strongly condemns the killing of innocent lives and have clear cut rules and regulations even during times of war, to protect the lives of the innocent..it gives you permission only to fight those who fight with you..I can go in to details of it..but still,these are the basic principle..then, why do such attacks take place in the name of such a peace promoting faith??well, you have a point here..these attacks are carried out by so called Muslims, who are brainwashed and made to believe that they are doing a great thing by sacrificing their lives for the sake of God where in reality,they are just wasting their precious lives in doing something your God has strictly warned you against and can earn you the anger of your Lord..still not convinced???let me explain...suicide is not permissible in Islam and bombing innocent lives down is not only disapproved but strongly condemned..then what do you say about these "suicide bombers"???there can never be such a thing in the name of Islam...do you get my point???                                                                         And,what is the reason they gave for the recent attacks on Sri lanka???To retaliate for the Christchurch mosque attacks...there can be nothing more nonsense than this..what do these two countries, who are miles apart have in common except that they are island nations???how can you attack people in a country who were in no way related to the christchurch mosque attacks and claim that you are retaliating????this is pure nonsense and stupidity at its peak...and what did you achieve of this??innocent souls were made to breath their last in such a inhumane way and pure hatred developed against innocent Muslims who detest such ghastly crimes even in their dreams...neighbors who used to smile at their Muslim brothers are now hurriedly moving away from them with fear and suspicion..small children are bullied in school just because they are muslims..why ???come on..enough is enough..Islam or Muslims don't have any connection with these horrible sinners,who kill innocent lives..we stand strong and united against all forms of terrorism and terrosists..